Locally grown foods used to be the standard, if it was perishable it had to bought locally. With the advent of refrigerated transportation within the food system has changed. Now the search to get back to locally grown food is on. However there is a disconnect between consumers and the farms.
This app was designed to connect local farms with the public, by building ‘farm’ profiles users are able to search within a local radius for them and for specifies items and/or standards. Users are able to review farms and farmers markets to better help other users find what they are looking for. Farmers markets can connect with the farmers that are at their market further allowing everyone to know what is available and where to find it.
This app would change how consumers and local farmers connected with each other. It was designed to have the ability for farmers to have profiles showcasing what they specialize in, hours and, sales locations. As well as farmers markets to be able to connect directly with the farm profiles. This allowed for consumers to better see what is in their area and how they would get it. A review sections was also included to help consumers find exactly what they are looking for. With people wanting to get back to healthier food like local, organic, grass-fed and, cage-free foods Farm Finder was designed to help those buyers find what they are looking for.

© Taylor Sayyah 2019